Saturday, December 5, 2009

Career Match or Wall Street Journal Personal Finance Workbook

Career Match: Connecting Who You Are with What You'll Love to Do

Author: Shoya Zichy

For some, a job is just a way to pay the bills. For others -- those whose careers fit their passions and personalities -- it is a source of great satisfaction and success. Career Match is designed to help people discover their ideal work. Using the author's revealing ten-minute self-assessment, the book helps readers determine their personality style, then walks them through the range of career choices best for them. This indispensable guide will enable anyone to:

* identify the type of work that will inspire and exhilarate them * recognize the type of boss and work environment they need to thrive * confirm the rightness of the path they are on -- or help them find a better one * speed up their job search

The book includes in-depth chapters for each personality type, detailed explanations of career options, and inspiring real-life stories of people who have found fulfillment in work that suits their personality. This invaluable resource will help anyone in need of direction match who they are with what they should do -- for a lifetime of gratifying work and greater success.

Author Biography: Shoya Zichy (New York, NY) is a career coach with a Master's in Education and Counseling, and is past president of the Myers-Briggs Association of New York. Her proprietary personality model has been featured in Fortune, Barron's, and on CNN.

Interesting book: Choice Recipes by Moscow Women or Cocktail Aficionado

Wall Street Journal Personal Finance Workbook

Author: Jeff D Opdyk

A hands-on, interactive guide to managing your money and building your financial future

Many of the worksheets in this book are available online and can be saved, printed, and recalculated at any time.

Understanding your money, and getting it to work for you, is more important today than it ever was, because you alone are responsible for every aspect of your financial life, from managing your day-to-day living expenses to planning a college savings fund and, ultimately, retirement. The sooner you start taking control of your financial life the better, and there’s no greater authority on financial matters than The Wall Street Journal. This workbook takes the mystery out of personal finance and addresses every topic you’ll need to master, from building a solid financial base to growing your financial assets. Worksheets, charts, and step-by-step instructions throughout help you do the math and work through the basics, making it quick and easy to organize your cash and eventually build wealth. Learn how to:

• Create a spending plan and budget

• Balance a checkbook

• Make decisions about what types of— and how much—insurance you need

• Manage credit and debt

• Finance big expenses like real estate and education

• Understand and properly assess your own appetite for risk

• Formulate the right asset allocation

• Start building an investment portfolio

• Make real estate decisions like purchasing vs. renting

• Refinance a mortgage

• Manage your 401(k)

• Deal with taxes

• Plan for college expenses

Also available—the companion to thisworkbook:The Wall Street Journal Complete Personal Finance Guidebook, by Jeff D. Opdyke

Get your financial life in order with help from The Wall Street Journal. Look for:

• The Wall Street Journal Complete Money and Investing Guidebook

• The Wall Street Journal Complete Identity Theft Guidebook

• The Wall Street Journal Complete Real Estate Investing Guidebook

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wonderful article very informative.